
Showing posts from December, 2019

Food is not always delicious or gentle to your stomach

Food is not always delicious or gentle to your stomach Food is one of the reasons why a lot of people travel the world. Trying exotic dishes, new flavours or impossible textures becomes part of the trip, although it is not always as good as it seems. Travellers are on a tight budget most of the times, so they don’t go around sitting in nice restaurants eating high on the hog. Sometimes, that has its drawbacks. The biggest issue is called Traveller’s Diarrhoea. This illness gets into your system, it doesn’t give you a break for as long as it lasts. Meanwhile, you curse yourself for craving that greasy samosa from the street food stand. Another thing is that you might want to try some unusual local dish, such as the  cuy in Peru , and end up with a guinea pig on your plate.  In this particular case, we have to admit that it was delicious but, while you’re at it, you cannot stop thinking about the way the guinea pig might have looked before putting it on the frying pan.